International Call for Tenders for the study of restoration, rehabilitation and enhancement of the Great Mosque Zitouna and its immediate environment

International Call for Tenders for the study of restoration, rehabilitation and enhancement of the Great Mosque Zitouna and its immediate environment

La grande mosquée Zitouna

National Heritage Institute – International Call for Tenders N° 02/2020

The INP launches an International Call for Tenders for the study of restoration, rehabilitation and enhancement of the Great Mosque Zitouna and its immediate environment.

The Tunisian Government has obtained a grant within the framework of the support to the heritage sector by the Saudi Fund for Development “SDF” and in accordance with the provisions and conditions of the Memorandum dated 03 April 2018 concluded between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Tunisian Republic.

This open international call for tenders which aims at carrying out the study of restoration, rehabilitation and enhancement of the Great Mosque Zitouna and its immediate environment …

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